At Khandwala Eye Hospital You will be cared by an excellent Ophthalmologists for both your preoperative and postoperative visits. Here, Laser Vision Correction includes a pre-procedure visit and a thorough examination, the procedure itself, and all follow-up care to ensure the best possible results.

Understanding Oculoplasty..

Better Vision | Better Look | Better Tommorow

Oculoplastic surgery is the cosmetic, corrective, and reconstructive surgery of the eye. It manages and repairs problems primarily related to the tissues or structures surrounding the eye, rather than the eyeball itself. These structures include the eyelids, the tear ducts, and the orbit (bony socket surrounding the eye). Ocular reconstructive surgery, aesthetic eyelid surgery, facial plastic surgery, and cosmetic procedures fall into this category. Some types of oculoplastic surgery are considered both medically necessary and cosmetic. For instance, certain eyelid and periocular issues can affect a person’s appearance as well as their vision, eye comfort, and eye health. Droopy upper eyelids, tumors around the orbit, and thyroid disease, are some of the conditions that may require oculoplastic surgery.

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Cosmetic Reconstructive Surgery.

At K.E.H, Our unparalleled expertise and state-of-the-art equipment allow us to offer excellent medical and surgical treatment of the full range of routine, complex and high-risk corneal and external diseases.

Reconstructive and aesthetic eyelid and facial plastic surgery is a specialized area of ophthalmology that focuses on the management of eyelid abnormalities, tearing problems, and orbital disease, including eye socket trauma and thyroid eye disease.

A Walkthough Video of Understanding Ptosis..
Wrinkles and drooping eyes.

Ptosis may be caused by weakness of the muscles that raise your eyelid or damage to the nerves that control the muscles or the looseness of the eyelid skin. Ptosis may be present at birth (called congenital ptosis). Or it may develop due to the normal aging process.The most common cause in adults is a separation or stretching of the main muscle that pulls up the eyelid. It can be an after effect of an eye surgery like cataract or an injury. An eye tumor, diabetes or neurological disorders like stroke, myasthenia gravis, and Horner syndrome are other cause. In severe cases, when a muscle called the levator is very weak, a sling operation may be done which will enable your forehead muscles to raise your eyelids. If you do not want to undergo surgery, you can have glasses made which have an attachment called a crutch. This crutch can help hold your eyelid up.

Common Types of Oculoplasty Procedures at K.E.H

Brow Lifts :
A brow lift is generally performed to correct sagging eyebrows, as well as to reduce forehead creases. Surgery elevates the brow tissue, and reduces ‘frown’ lines. A brow lift is often combined with blepharoplasty to achieve more dramatic results.

Droopy Eyelids (Ptosis) :
Droopy Eyelids or eyelid ptosis, is a condition in which the major muscle responsible for elevating the eyelid weakens, or becomes loose. The condition can be mild or severe, and may affect one or both eyes. In children, ptosis may be due to the abnormal development of the muscle in the upper eyelid. But in adults it is usually due to aging, or trauma to the eye.

Excessive Tearing :
The lacrimal and eyelid glands produce tears that are needed to protect the eyes and keep it moist. However, abnormal tearing can block the tear ducts. This is a fairly common condition and may be due to medications and allergies, but in some instances aging can also contribute to it.

Bulging Eyes (Exophthalmos) :
Exophthalmos is a condition in which the eyes bulge or protrude out of their normal position. The disorder is often caused by a growth behind the eye or an eye infection. Conditions that affect the thyroid, such as Graves’ disease, can also cause bulging eyes. Symptoms include blurry or double vision, as well as inflammation and dryness.

Wrinkle Reduction :
As you age, skin becomes thinner and less elastic, and this inevitably leads to the wrinkling of the skin. However, lifestyle habits such as smoking, lack of exercise, and excess sun exposure can all make the skin age faster. Laser skin resurfacing, botox and dermal filler injections, as well as medical skin care products, are used to reduce the appearance of wrinkles.

Surgeries related to Oculoplasty..

  1. Blepharoplasty – Surgery of the upper and or lower eyelids.
  2. Evaluations of eyelid laxity, lagophthalmos and malposition.
  3. Ptosis Repair – Elevating droopy eyelids.
  1. Surgeries for Graves’ disease – Thyroid eye disease.
  2. Evaluation and repair of fractures.
  3. Treatment and management of orbital tumors.
  4. Orbital fracture repairs.
  1. Brow Lifts.
  2. Botox for facial wrinkles and blepharospasm.
Summary : Although not debilitating, ptosis can diminish quality of life by obscuring an individual’s ability to see clearly. Fortunately the condition is treatable with a fairly minimal surgical procedure.